The Malezi Community Digital Hub has been setup with the aim of establishing one of the only computer hubs in one of the most vulnerable communities in Kenya. Situated in Kitui Ndogo (a slum of Nairobi) which has been neglected due to financial constraints and lack of commitment from the government, the hub’s presence is a significant catalyst for change in the community that suffers from serious challenges including sanitation problems and issues around crime/safety.

The hub, which is based at Malezi school and community centre, has been utilised to drastically improve ICT literacy and competence among teachers and students at the school, in addition to community members based in Kitui Ndogo. Furthermore, certain teachers from nearby schools have also been benefiting from the project, and are taking part in the recent ICT competence training which started in June 2019.
Project Progress
The project commenced in December 2018, when the room chosen to host the lab was refurbished, improving both superficial appearance, but also electrical and security infrastructure. The renovations lasted till mid-February 2019.

The equipment was received at the lab in March 2019 (including brand new Endless Mission One machines and locally-sourced refurbished peripherals: a printer, projector, Wi-Fi dongles, and speakers) and was installed at Malezi school with the support of Orion 247 staff based in Nairobi. This vital step allowed Orion 247 staff to engage with the project and use their technical expertise to setup the lab. The school has also been provided with content from the Kenyan digital curriculum.

Since the lab installation, teacher ICDL training commenced in June, where teachers have been exploring ICDL modules including Computer Essentials, Online Essentials, Word Processing and Spreadsheets. Monitoring surveys were conducted simultaneously with the start of teacher training in June. Students completed surveys shortly after, in July 2019.

Teacher training concluded on 27th July and eight Malezi teachers and community members started assessments in Computer Essentials, in mid-August; the assessments will continue over the coming weeks.
To read more about the project and learn more about the results of recent monitoring surveys, please click here: https://infogram.com/1p30v7e73v5v5xb03rg5dm33l3cdlyvwp55
Members of the Orion 247 team are delighted to be invited by Computer Aid and the staff at the Malezi Hub to attend the upcoming official opening ceremony which will take place on Thursday 5th September. We are looking forward to meeting you all and seeing first hand what the project has achieved and how it will continue to make a significant improvement to education in and around the Kitui Ndogo area.