The Clear Advantages Of Using Our RAAS Pay-As-You-Go Service Over Having Contractual IT Support

Have you been considering contractual IT support for your growing business but aren’t sure about the costs and what you might need? Then it might be worth investigating Orion 247’s Resource As A Service (RAAS) pay-as-you-go service for your business. Read on to find out more about our flexible IT resourcing option and why this could have great benefits for you.
No Commitment
For small businesses, it can be challenging to know exactly what level of IT support you might need now and in the future. You may currently be working from home and only require limited support, which could grow as you move into a professional office space.
Our RAAS service requires no commitment to a prescribed plan, and we do not charge monthly. You will only pay when you need our RAAS technicians to support you, so you won’t face unexpected costs. This can help you to more accurately manage your cost-per-use, keeping your budget accurate and reasonable.
Finances are at the forefront of many business decisions, and RAAS is a service that understands this. Because you only use the service on a pay-as-you-go basis, you will never pay more than you get in return, making your return on investment much, much better. If you don’t need our support - you won’t pay for it! This can be great for smaller businesses, as your needs can fluctuate based on your growth and the amount of employees you have.
No Cancellations
If you have ever failed to cancel a subscription service and continued to pay for something you aren’t using, you know that these costs can add up without you even thinking about it. With RAAS, you will never have to cancel our service, as there is no subscription billing, which is one less thing to worry about. You also don’t have to worry about a monthly payment fluctuating with cost increases that some services can add yearly - you will always know exactly what you’re paying upfront. It really is that simple!
With all those benefits in mind, Orion 247’s RAAS service can be the perfect way to approach your IT resourcing strategy. Our RAAS function may not have a subscription, but our team is made up of IT professionals who can help with issues of all different types and sizes. Get in touch to see how we can deliver our high quality IT resource solutions to your site locations.
Image Source: Unsplash
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