Orion 247 Becomes A Member Of The ASCDI

The ASCDI (Association of Service and Computer Dealers International) was founded in 1981 and represents IT companies around the world that provide hardware, software, maintenance services, leasing services, business solutions, technical support and value added services to the business community.
“Becoming a member of a prestigious association like the ASCDI demonstrates Orion’s commitment to providing the IT channel with high quality global IT services and resource. It allows us to collaborate in a professional manner with other members and the wider IT channel community whilst adhering to the ASCDI code of ethics,” explained Sales and Marketing Manager at Orion 247.
We are looking forward to being an active member of the association and also supporting the Free ICT Europe Foundation, an alliance representing the independent ICT market, with the objective to secure the right of ownership and the freedom for consumers and businesses to freely choose their providers to trade, maintain and repair.
For more information about the ASCDI and Free ICT Europe please visit the links below:
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